Employment rate trend of Software major
- 최근 대졸자 증가, 채용 감소하는 취업시장 상황에서도 소프트웨어 전공 졸업자는 높은 취업률을 유지하고 있음
- 2015년 소프트웨어 전공 취업률은 70.2%, 진학률은 7.6%, 1년 동안 취업을 유지한 비율은 79.7%
- Graduates of software majors maintain a high employment rate even in the current job market where the number of university graduates increases and employment decreases.
- In 2015, the employment rate of software major was 70.2%, the advancement into higher schooling rate was 7.6%, employment rate remained 79.7 % for a year.